The Young People Index®
Underpinning our Future Focus programme is a tool called The Young People Index® (The YPI). This is an online assessment tool which prepares young people for success.
Part of the wider GC Index , the YPI is used by education professionals and youth organisations to help identify and nurture the impact young people will make now and in the future.
The results from the assessment empower young people by highlighting their unique impact. We can see a young person’s natural motivations and preferences when working in a team, organisation or as an individual. This instantly raises self-awareness and confidence in knowing their strengths and how they best make a contribution.
The start of a self-development journey
Learning about their personal impact is the start of an exciting self-development journey for students. They can see what areas they have natural energy for but can also learn about what they would like to develop and why.
The YPI gives these students a clearer view of how their natural traits and strengths contribute to a much bigger cause. The YPI helps them to talk about their skills and strengths with confidence and enables them to apply these skills and strengths to their current and future roles and ambitions.