Southern Universities Network and Inclusive Futures

The Southern Universities Network (SUN) is a collaborative partnership comprising HE providers in Hampshire, Dorset and the Isle of Wight.


A case study interview with Claire O’Neill, Southern Universities Network (SUN).

In 2024, we began a new project with Southern Universities Network: a collaborative partnership comprising Higher Education (HE) providers in Hampshire, Dorset and the Isle of Wight. With a reach of over 119,000 students across colleges, schools and universities, they support a wide range of students in education; especially supporting those from disadvantaged backgrounds. Hence, there was a clear values alignment between their efforts and our work at Inclusive Futures. 

Having previously worked with Inclusive Futures on coaching programmes for students, as well as staff development and away day*, Claire O’Neill, Head of Southern Universities Network, approached us to support them with a new workforce project, adding “I knew their work was high quality”. 

*Get in touch with us at to support your away day or arrange a coaching programme.

What was the challenge?

We had a number of new staff who all started at the same time, but were also in early career roles. Due to the nature of their roles, they are all based at different institutions, so we wanted to bring them together as a team, understanding how they approached tasks and how that might differ from their colleagues but also get a common framework to communicate within.

Is this something you were facing internally, or something you think affects your industry as a whole? 

The disparate team is unique to our programme but the upskilling of early career professionals, often working within a new environment, I think is common across all sectors.

The solution and outcomes

The work with Inclusive Futures is not stopping there. Martin shares what’s coming up:

Following conversations between Claire and Jess (Woodsford, Inclusive Futures), the proposed solution was an Early Career Programme – a 6 month programme for the team, combining in person and virtual sessions. Find out more about our Next Generation Programme here.

Key outcomes

  • Team motivation
  • Increase in bookings for workshops and student support
  • Increased work ethic from team
  • Improved effectiveness of team meetings

This project took place during a difficult time for SUN, due to unexpected budget cuts. However, as Claire added, “the timing of this work couldn’t have come at a better time”, as it enhanced the motivation, positivity and work ethic of the team during a challenging period.

“Due to the work that Inclusive Futures did with the team, not only did they show great resilience through the time of uncertainty but their focus on the work they needed to undertake didn’t waiver and the positivity from the team was a credit to them.

The motivation of the team has remained high through the period and as a result we have had more bookings in this autumn term the ever before, which is down to their application and work ethic in the summer term.”

“We have also taken the feedback about the team meetings to improve the content and ensure we are making the best use of that time.”

Reflections and recommendations

Most valuable moment: Creating a safe space for them to share their experiences and also be heard by each other. It feels like the team has such a strong positive dynamic now.

Would you use Inclusive Futures again? 

“Yes – the facilitation and bringing together of the team was really valuable and if we were in a similar position again, I wouldn’t hesitate to run the programme again.” 

What type of organisation would you recommend Inclusive Futures to? 

“If an organisation has teams that work away from each other but needs to ensure everyone is on the same page, the work that inclusive Futures does works really well.” 

How would you summarise Inclusive Futures in a few words? 

Collaborative, Key Communication Skills, Kindness 

What drove you to invest in this programme? 

There is a level of uncertainty within the programme we run due to external funding, however, we are privileged that many staff choose us to work for, often in one of their first career roles. It feels imperative that we are equipping them with the skills they will need to have successful careers but also that they can pay it forward to the teams they work with in future years. 


Our huge thanks to Claire for taking the time to speak with us. If you would like our help – take a look at our programmes here and get in touch:  

Supporting social mobility in higher education through coaching

At Inclusive Futures, we are currently working with more than thirty higher education institutions.

We love delivering our Coaching Skills workshops to staff teams and student supporters, as we have done for SUN. And we have a number of other leading programmes and workshops to help you support your student body and the career development and skills of your staff.

For a no-obligation exploratory chat, please get in touch.